This, sadly, is the end of Morning Chick. I had fun with it though! :D I just neva have time to work on it with school and stuffies. I am of course going to leave it up just for the sake of people. O_O seriously though. This is the last post I will ever make.. ._. I deleted Jorvik Days cause I left Silent Stars and well it was -scratches head- AWKWARD. ^^ But I seriously did have fun with this blog! Okieeee well peace out people! 
Hey you guys! will be moved to 
Merry late Christmas! Sorry about not posting on the ACTUAL Christmas day but I forgot! ^-^ Wove you guys! 
Left to Right: Winterjoy, Midnightpearl, and Nightsong! <3 Welcome to my newest family members! :D
Sorry about not posting anything for a while! I forgot my password and all that stuff! So I'm back! ^^ Hehe and I'm off to do a lot more posting!
I found this while I was on tumblr, I've seen the episode just never realized how fluffy his hair was in this scene... I was like OMG O-O it's so beautiful...
Well what do you think? Can I? Lemony apparently thinks she does!
Please watch my first ever video! Go to the link to watch it!! :D ENJOYY
I found this the other day on tumblr! ALSO! That is Rory! :P Poor Rory. this is amazinggg I really need to learn to play it on MY fluteee! :D I really hope I make my state's honor band! ^-^